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MM Group performance system

The performance evaluation system

The performance evaluation system has been implemented in MM since 2010, with the aim of:

► Map the roles and positions present in the company work processes
► Plan and organize the activities of your collaborators
► Improve the performance of human resources and the relationship of people with the Organization
► Enhance human resources and the professional path of employees

The evaluation of staff performance has a strategic role within the Company, since it contributes essentially to the professional development of people also in relation to the evolution of the company organisation.
The evaluation involves all employees every year and consists of an interview in which each manager evaluates the results achieved and skills possessed by the collaborator compared to what was planned the previous year.

Since 2011, MM has introduced a reward system for managers based on MBO (Management By Objectives), a series of quantifiable and objectively measurable objectives (of an economic nature, linked to project timing or process efficiency) through which began to pay the variable part of managers’ salaries on objectives strictly linked to the achievement of the company strategy.